yoga retreats in goa

Thai Yoga Massage and Bodywork Course

About the course

We are delighted to have a world renowned and experienced teacher bringing finally the popular course of Thai massage and Bodywork to Om Studio, South Goa.

This is a uniquely tailored 7 days certification course, you will  learn

  • Depth of thai massage,anatomy,meridians and sen lines,origins,links to ayurveda,tips and techniques and practices.
  • We will learn sequences and stretches in supine back and sitting positions which are at par with Level 1 & 2 of the traditional Thailand style Thai massage trainings.
  • There will be sessions exploring values of consent for both giver and practitioner,safe practices and boundaries in bodywork.
  • How to use bodywork as a joyous journey,for wellbeing,nurturing and growth,not only for receiver,but for the giver as well.
  • We will be exploring Pleasure , boundaries from deeper new perspectives,and a lot of self realisation in the whole process.
  • At the end of the course  there would be an Evaluation,and you will be awarded a Certification and a Manual.

What is unique in this course

  • Not just massage sequences,but also understanding bodywork.
  • How to nourish yourself as you give massage.
  • Explorations on consent and practices involved, both for giver an receiver.
  • How bodywork can enhance one’s physical structure, emotional regulation and resilience and existing practice as a giver.
  • How bodywork can be a pleasure for giver as well,and be spiritually emotionaly uplifting and not draining.
  •  How practice of bodywork with your friends,family and lovers can lead to deeper understanding of giving,receiving,accepting,allowing,and help you improve your relationships magically!

About Mav

Mav is a well known global Thai Massage & Bodywork Trainer. 

Having been following and teaching Bodywork for more than a decade, he brings these works to professional as well as personal spaces. He works with not just training masseurs, physiotherapists and sports persons, but also is invited to big outdoor festivals from climbers to dance and movement communities. The trainings in the course about not just the therapeutic, but also deep healing aspect of bodywork emphasising upon principles of conscious touch, listening , presence and empathy. His vision of bringing these values to partnerships, friends, families, communities and society as a whole keeps him going on his path and purpose. He has also been involved in research projects combining  plant medicine, neuroplasticity and bodywork and he will be sharing these unique gifts with us in the upcoming course.



26th January to 1st February 2025


7 days course 42 hours of training: 600 EUR

Special pricing for Indian Nationals


– Certification
– Course Manual
– Delicious wholesome vegetarian organic lunches, refreshments and tea.

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